Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Big Macs and Cracker Stackers

I have this small obsession with McDonald's and Lunchables.

Okay. It's a pretty big obsession.

One of the highlights of my week last week was finding out the new building that is being constructed right down the road from our house is, in face, a McDonald's. I will now be 2 miles from one instead of 3. *insert Hallelujah chorus here*

I went grocery shopping this past Friday (very long overdue!), and saw that the real Lunchables, not the off brand, were on sale for $1 a piece. I bought 8. I would've bought more, but I was afraid my husband would be a little upset that I spent more money on cracker stackers than I did on, well, anything else I bought.

Here is why these two gifts from Heaven are so delectable to me:

Growing up, my mom cooked almost every meal, especially dinner. But occasionally, we would go out to eat. We never went to sit-down restaurant (would you try taking a 12 year old, 6 year old, 2 year old, and a newborn to a sit-down? Yeah, me neither), and Chic-Fil-A was a SUPER special treat, so where did we go?

You guessed it. McDonald's.

It is still ingrained in my head that McDonald's is a treat. Don't get me wrong! It wasn't like it was a twice-a-year thing, but it definitely wasn't a twice-a-week thing. I can still remember the excitement of knowing we were going. I would anticipate it for days if I knew we would be going grocery shopping or to a doctor's appointment, because I knew there was a strong chance we would be making a trip through the drive-thru (again, would you take 4 young kids inside McDonald's?). Even at 24, this excitement still exists, only difference is I now have a driver's license and a pay check, which entitles me to go whenever I want to.

I used to get Lunchables when I was an only child for a snack and sometimes for school. When my sisters came along, that was four mouths that wanted Lunchables. And regular Lunchables wouldn't do, you HAD to have the ones with the chocolate treat and the Capri-Sun. So, the solution to wanting the more expensive ones was to not get them at all. It was probably also due to the fact that we would eat them all in one day. So, once again, Lunchables were a treat. Any time my mom said I could pick out a Lunchable for whatever reason was a major life-moment to me.

I know, it's weird. But hey! That's how I'm wired. Funny how the brain latches on to certain things like this and won't let go.

There's partial bad news for me now. My husband is not a fan of McDonald's, and a Lunchable does nothing to satisfy his hunger. He will be sweet enough to eat McDonald's with me every once in a while or make a special trip just for me (especially when I offer to pay for it), and he goes along with my Lunchable-buying mania for now, but his love for these two wonderful food-options is not near as strong as mine. I am not going to lie, it does break my heart a little, especially about the McDonald's. I could seriously eat a Big Mac and a cracker stacker every single day, but since my husband does not agree, I now have included other options into my daily diet.

My arteries should probably thank my husband for his non-compliance. I'm sure they greatly appreciate it.

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