Thursday, December 19, 2013

That's a Fact, Jack!

I went to bed last night after reading on interview from GQ given by Phil Robertson, the duck hunt-loving father of A&E's hit television show 'Duck Dynasty.'

I woke up this morning to the news that he has been suspended indefinitely from appearing in future episodes of his own TV show.

All because of his viewpoint and outspokenness on homosexuality.

Here's the original article from GQ, and the article I read on E Online. You can gather your own thoughts after reading both and come up with your own viewpoint and opinion.

Of course, I'm going to share with you mine.

If you haven't had a chance to read the article (or you just don't feel like it), here's a little summary:

From what I can tell, a writer for GQ spent the day with Mr. Robertson at his Louisiana home and property, without any cameras, to get a personal interview with the star of Duck Dynasty. At some point in the interview, Mr. Robertson brought up the topic of homosexuality and the fact that he doesn't understand why a man would want to have sex with a man when he could have sex with a woman. He also commented that he thought it was a sin to practice homosexuality, as it states in the Bible. He is clear to express that he has a love for all humanity, but that this world is full of sin and we need to get rid of it.

Of course, there is much more that was said in the article, but I told you I was only going to summarize. As always, I encourage you to read the articles for yourself so you can understand exactly what was said!

Did you really think I was going to let this topic pass without throwing my two-cents in on here? Of course not! This kind of stuff is right up my alley :)

I think Chris and I have seen almost every episode Duck Dynasty has made. There's something about this family that you just can't help but love! Yes, I know there are some who say they cannot watch the show without feeling like their IQ has dropped 10 points.

I say you've lived in the city a little too long to appreciate this family and the circumstances they find themselves in (even if it is all staged).

Most of the episodes are about being a hunter, a redneck, or their duck call business, but all are family-friendly and wholesome. There's no cursing, no major fighting, nothing that I wouldn't let my young children watch. Every episode is full of family, laughter, love, and God.

That's Duck Dynasty, and that's the Robertson family off the camera, too.

So why would you expect something different?

I don't understand why people are shocked and in an uproar about Phil's viewpoints on homosexuality, especially A&E. It's pretty obvious he's an opinionated individual. You don't have to watch too many episodes to figure that one out. I feel like, out of all of the Robertson men, he's the most honest.

Well, maybe except for Uncle Si. He's pretty honest, too.

Mr. Robertson has never been ashamed of who he is, so why would he be ashamed to give his opinion on what he believes is wrong?

And why can't he? Why is he being punished for stating his opinion?

Because, according to this world we live in, he's 'politically incorrect.' He's an idiot who has no clue what he is talking about. He's offensive. He makes A&E look bad for placing him and his beliefs on television, because that doesn't work well with the 'status quo.' He's using his religion as a weapon.

He's flat-out wrong.

Since when did 'Freedom of Speech' and 'Freedom of Religion' exclude those who believe in the Bible? Since when did Christianity become offensive? Since when was it 'politically incorrect' to say you don't support things such as homosexuality? When did this world declare followers of Christ ignorant and intolerable, but expect Christians to be tolerant and act ignorant to other beliefs and viewpoints?

How did we let it get this out of control, and when did Hollywood start dictating what is right and what is wrong?

When we, as Christians, let them.

When we stopped being like Phil Robertson, and became what the world wanted us to be: silent.

It makes me so angry and frustrated when those who scream 'tolerate me and my views!' can't reciprocate the favor. There's a serious double-standard out there, but we did nothing to help ourselves. We went along with it, keeping our thoughts to ourselves and lowering our standards.

After all, these issues really aren't that bad, are they?

I'm just as guilty of this as the next person! I use the it-could-be-worse card all of the time and keep going on with what the world calls 'politically correct.' It's just easier that way.

Just a little warning: I'm about to get pretty personal. If you feel that knowing my personal beliefs will cause you to not like me or change your opinion of me, I'm very sorry to hear that. I'm even more sorry that you didn't know this about me before, though.

I am a Christian. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was a sophomore in high school. I had come before the church when I was in 3rd grade to make a profession of faith and be baptized, but as I got older, I realized it didn't feel legit. I didn't feel like I had truly accepted the love and forgiveness of Jesus, so I came before the church again. I now fully believe that I am a follower of Christ, and that was the absolute best decision I have ever made.

My life hasn't been perfect. I haven't been perfect. I never will be perfect. I am a sinner who commits sins each and every day. I have been the judgmental Christian who thinks I'm better than those who aren't. I have put myself above others. I have walked by people who needed my help, and I didn't stop. I have gossiped, slandered, used God's name in vain, cursed, lied, cheated (not in a relationship), coveted, and numerous other sins that are no greater or worse than the next.

I have taken the back seat when I should've been more outspoken about my faith. I have seen things, listened to things, participated in things that did not bring God glory. I have tarnished my testimony. I have failed to be a 'good' Christian and uphold my end of Christian 'duties.' 

In no way, shape or form do I think my sins are any less evil than sins such as homosexuality. That doesn't mean I support homosexuality or think it's okay.

Do I hate homosexuals? Absolutely not!

Do I support the practice of homosexuality? Absolutely not.

I don't support homosexuality like I don't support polygamy, prostitution, human trafficking, adultery, divorce, pornography, strip clubs, etc. It takes away from Genesis 2:24:

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
Homosexuality, polygamy, prostitution, and everything else that goes against this verse is wrong to me. Anything that doesn't ultimately result in a relationship that includes one man and one woman being united together with nothing and no one else for the rest of their lives is against what the Bible teaches. Since I believe the Scripture is God-breathed (2nd Timothy 3:16), everything I read in the Bible is factual and what I base my beliefs on.
(Side note: I am not getting into the exceptions of Genesis 2:24, such as the death of a spouse, when one commits adultery, things of that nature. That's a different ballgame that doesn't fully pertain to this issue, so I'm not going to address it at this moment.)
Just because I believe anything outside of a marriage between a man and a woman is wrong, does not mean I hate those who don't believe like I do.
I think Phil Robertson stated it perfectly:
Couldn't have said it better myself, Phil.
The Robertson's, nor anyone else in America should be ridiculed and deemed 'politically incorrect' by stating their beliefs. Doesn't matter what religion it is, or the lack of any religion. You are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine. You don't have to agree with me, and I don't have to agree with you.
But you are to respect me, just like I am to respect you.
This doesn't exist, though. Not on either side.
We have become a nation that has to be right, and has to be right at all costs. Whether you believe in Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, or Scientology, you feel your beliefs are correct. Because you believe you are correct, you want to share it with others. That's the natural thing to do, right?
But where we get it wrong is that we want to disrespect others and bad-mouth them when they disagree. We can't 'agree to disagree,' we HAVE to be right and we HAVE to convince others that we are right, too.
What's happened in our world today is that the more 'liberal' mindset has become louder than the more 'conservative,' so the 'conservatives' have been labeled 'intolerant' and need to keep their opinions to themselves.
Or they have been silenced.
Until now.
I am so thankful for Phil Robertson and what he stands for. His testimony is amazing, and so is his willingness to speak what he believes, no matter the costs. He has encouraged me to make a stand like him, and from what I can tell, he's encouraged many, many more to do the same.
It's time we put an end to this 'political correctness' and limiting who can practice the freedoms of speech and religion. It's time for Christians to take a stronger stand in our faith and not be bullied by those who disagree.
It's time to show love to all humanity, not just to those who stay in the status quo.
It's time to be more like Jesus and less like the world.
There is a lot of talk about boycotting this and boycotting that. As for me, I will not watch A&E, which is so tough. I may turn it on for Duck Dynasty, though. And I definitely will be supporting them more by paying a little bit closer attention to see if it's 'A&E' merchandise, or if it's 'Duck Commander' before I buy. 
While you are contemplating on your reaction to what I've written on this topic, enjoy some overnight meme sensations I discovered on Facebook :)
And just in case I don't post on here within the next week, Merry Christmas!!!


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