Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4th: The Day That Changed My Life

Halloween was so much fun! We had a great time with the family, and our costume was a hit! I definitely think this one will go down as one of the best, and I'm already excited about next year's! But we still have Thanksgiving and Christmas to go, so not too excited yet :)

Halloween 2013
November 4th is a very special day to me.

Up until a couple of years ago, November 4th was just another day. The only significance it had was that it was three weeks from Thanksgiving and 50 days from Christmas.

But that's pretty much it.

Honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal two years ago. It just happened to be the day that Chris asked me out on our first date.

It has meant so much since then.

If you haven't heard our story before, here it is:

Chris and I met in early October 2011. We were both going out with a group of mutual friends, and we were introduced to each other. I did notice that he was very hot (who wouldn't?), but I was interested in another guy hanging out with us, so I didn't think much of it. Chris actually tried to start up a conversation with me while we were out, and we talked for a little bit, but I kind of kept it short. Not on purpose! I just didn't live an interesting life to talk about and I didn't want to bore him.

At the end of the night, we all went our separate ways. The guy I was interested in didn't ask for my number, but Chris sent me a friend request on Facebook soon after, so I think that was the first sign of something stirring up.

A few weeks passed and the other guy and I diminished completely. He definitely wasn't interested and I wasn't going to pursue him. I happened to be talking to our friend Daniel at the dance studio and he mentioned something about Chris liking me. I immediately perked up and started blushing. That hot guy...likes ME?! I didn't believe it at first.

Until Florida-Georgia weekend.

I went over to Daniel's girlfriend Kati's house to watch the game, not knowing that Chris was there too. As soon as I walked in the door and saw him, my heart started skipping and I had butterflies. He was sitting on the smaller couch with another friend of ours, and I had my baby sister with me, so I sat on the opposite couch.

I couldn't focus on the game. The only thing I could focus on was the fact that I wasn't sitting beside Chris, and it felt so wrong.

I knew I was supposed to be beside him. Not because I wanted to (although I definitely did!), but because I knew that's where I belonged. Needless to say, and I was beyond jealous of our female friend sitting next to him.

Looking back on that day, it's quite comical...and quite awesome.

Chris, Daniel, Kati and I ended up going out that night to the Halloween party at a local dance hall. We looked like hot messes, but we didn't care. It was a lot of fun.

I spent the night with Kati afterwards, and Chris left kind of abruptly. We didn't get to say bye, which I was a little sad about. I thought that our time together was over, he would head back to Athens, and I would be left alone. Once again.

Thank goodness he left his sunglasses in Kati's car.

The next day, he came back to get them...and ended up staying all day. We watched a couple of movies, went a grabbed pizza, and FINALLY he put his arm around me. Towards the end of the night, he whispered in my ear, 'Hey...can I have your number?' I went to give it to him a normal voice, but he shhh-ed me and made me whisper it to him.

I knew at that moment our relationship was going to be the greatest ever.

He left that night to go back to college, we started texting immediately after he arrived in Athens, and he asked me out on a date for that Friday.

November 4th.

I tell people I knew I was going to marry him after our first date, but honestly, I knew the first time we sat beside each other.

You can say it's love at first (or second) sight.

Our first date was awkward, yet the best date ever.

He picked me up at my house around 5 or so and, unfortunately, no one was at my house to meet him.

I will say he did kiss me almost as soon as he walked in the house. Normally, I would find that a little soon. Not with him, though. It felt...right.

We drove almost the entire length of Washington Road, looking for which Mexican restaurant to stop at. We passed three or four until we finally ended up at Mi Ranchos, about thirty minutes after we left my house. It didn't bother me at all, I just felt bad that I could've gotten him there sooner without wasting so much gas. He seemed to just enjoy spending that time with me while looking, though, so that made me feel better.

We were sat outside during karaoke night after we had asked to sit inside.

Awkward moment #1.

We were then sat at a high top with two chairs that didn't match. I happened to get into the really tall chair that made me look like a giant, while Chris sat down in a normal chair that made him look pretty short.

Awkward moment #2.

I finally changed chairs so we could be at eye-level, which helped the awkward-ness, but then we realized our table was completely uneven and wobbled every time you touched it.

Awkward moment #3.

We just laughed about it. It was an interesting way to start off our first date, but knowing us now, that's so typical for our relationship.

Never a dull moment.

After dinner, we drove over to the theater to see what was playing. Nothing caught our eye, so what did we do next?

We went to The Christmas Tree Shoppe.

It. Was. Awesome.

We walked around the whole store, joking about how you can find almost anything you need at that random place.

Decorations? They got it. Detergent? You bet. An outdoor hammock? It's there. It's just the most random place ever. And we were having so much fun making fun of that fact.

Once we left there, we went back to his house to watch P.S. I Love You and Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part II. 

Both picked by him. Both made me super happy.

I don't think Chris drove me home until after 1:00am. Even then, I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to leave him. I knew that's where I needed to be, that's where I was meant to be.

With him.

Before 2011, November 4th didn't mean much. It was just another day, like the majority of the days I lived through. Nothing special.

Today, November 4th is the day that changed my life.


Exactly a year after our first date, Chris drove us over to the Lady Antebellum Theater to exchange gifts.

I gave him a couple of shirts.

He gave me a ring.


My life was forever changed, once again, on November 4th.

To me, November 4th means just as much as August 17th. Of course, August 17th is my absolute favorite day of the year now since I became Mrs. Taryn Johns on that date. But August 17th would just be another day if it hadn't been for November 4th.

We have now been married 2 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days. This time two years ago, I was hoping this is where I would be: happily married to the man of my dreams and living the life I have desired for so long. I still catch myself looking at Chris in disbelief that this is my amazing life now. I get to wake up next to him every single morning and fall asleep next to him every single night, and I can't imagine my life any other way. 

That woman I was two years ago today was struggling to find her place in the world, but was hoping Chris could help her discover it. The woman I am today is everything I would hope to be, and so much more.

I still can't believe it's been two years since our first date. It feels like it was twenty years ago; I just can't remember life without my husband anymore.

I feel like my life has re-started twice: First, when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. Second, when I knew Chris was my Knight in Shining Armor. It's just amazing to see The Lord's hand in absolutely everything, even the tiny details. If so many things had not fallen into place when it did, and if so many prayers I had prayed had been answered with a yes, I wouldn't be writing this blog about how much I love my Chris.

And November 4th would mean nothing.

So, to keep up with the giving thanks every day of November...

Day 4: I am thankful for first dates, for diamond rings, and for the man who gave me both, along with so very much more. I'm thankful for a God who knows exactly what He's doing and who graciously gave me a husband whom I get to fall even more in love with each and every day. I did nothing to deserve this life, but I am so thankful that The Lord is merciful and gave me Chris.

I could go on and on about how much I love my husband and how thankful I am for him, but I think this entry is long enough, and there's some General Tso's Chicken in the fridge that's calling my name.

Have I said before how much I love this time of year?! Yay for autumn and winter!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! So sweet. You guys are great together and I'm so proud of you both!
