Friday, October 25, 2013

Go Go Power Rangers!

I just want to start off by saying that I have a completely new hairstyle that I absolutely LOVE! I cannot post pictures of it yet, though. My husband said he wanted to be surprised and see it in person, so I'm going to wait until after he sees it to put anything on here or on Facebook.

But I am super pumped about it!

Continuing on.

While I was shopping for everything I needed for our date night last week, I ran across something that I could not resist in buying.

It wasn't clothes, wasn't jewelry, wasn't a purse.

It was a DVD.

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season Two, Volume Two, to be exact.

30 exciting episodes on 3 DVDs!

I saw my childhood flash before my eyes when I glanced at this glorious sight. It took me back to 1994, when my cousin Wesley and I would sit in front of the TV at 4 o'clock on channel 11. We never really cared about time or keeping up with anything, except when it came to The Power Rangers. I, obviously, loved the Pink Ranger, and Wesley usually liked the Red. We would play Power Rangers for hours and hours, and it would never get old.

I used to carpool with a friend of mine to the dance studio once a week. She had the huge Yellow and Pink Ranger action figures, so we played that every single time we were in the car. Since they were hers, I was always the Yellow Ranger. I did not like giving up the Pink Ranger, but if that's what it took to play with them, then I was willing to make the sacrifice.

Yesterday, I decided to finally pull out the DVDs and watch a few of the episodes. I had quite a few thoughts as I was watching them that I would like to share!

First, I never knew how awesome-ly cheesy the show is. The acting, the special effects, the dialogue, everything. It's so cheesy, but so awesome.

Second, I never realized how awesome they were at karate! As a kid watching it, they're real Power Rangers, so of course they can kick and flip like that! But now, obviously knowing that it's all pretend, it's incredible to watch them do all of their own karate moves and flip across the screen. I was really impressed!

Third, and finally, I never knew how 'wholesome' the show was, especially compared to what kids watch now. The series that I watched of The Power Rangers filmed from 1993 through 1996. I'm sure what they put in their show was fairly standard for then, but compared to today's shows, it's almost void.

Of course, there was a little violence. They were Power Rangers, fighting the evil Rita and Lord Zedd's monsters that were sent to Angel Grove to terrorize the world. Sometimes they had to also defend themselves from Putties; these ugly gray creatures that would do silly dances when they appeared to attack the Rangers. Kind words did not re-direct the ill-intent of these 'bad people,' so, of course, they used some of their martial arts moves. When that didn't work, they called on their Zords; mythical creatures that appeared and armed them to defeat the monsters. They used some swords, some lasers, and other random tactics the special effects artists could come up with. But you never saw anyone 'die.' You knew the Putties were fake, so watching them crumble away didn't mirror death. Lord Zedd could always make more. The monsters were made out of inanimate objects or to imitate different animals, but you never considered them dead either when they fell to the ground. There were no bodies, no mention of death; only defend and defeat. I feel like that's a little contrary to what some kids watch today, at least it seems like it.

It always had good messages too. Some of the ones I watched yesterday talked about how getting an education is important, all play and no work is not a good idea, and some things are too big to tackle on your own; you sometimes need help. Of course, they delivered them in cheesy way, but they were still presented to those watching as entertaining yet lessons-learned throughout all of their episodes. There aren't any innuendos, no foul or suggestive language, nothing that would make a parent question the show due to dialogue. I feel like that is such a long-lost thing now. With the exception of Disney Junior and Nick Junior, I would not feel comfortable turning on a children's channel and letting my child watch whatever comes on. Not even PBS. There's always something being said or being slipped in or in the way it's being said that I don't feel my child should hear. Movies, too! Can't even rely on Disney to always deliver a movie that you don't have to worry about.

Of course, you will have the people who say,' I don't want my children watching a show that's all about mythical powers and creatures.' I get that, and that's completely okay! But I would rather have more shows where we choose to not watch them because of the 'theme' of the show rather than the content and the dialogue.

All in all, I once again fell in love with some Power Rangers. I'm hoping to track down and buy season one and the rest of season two, because I'm super pumped about showing these to my kids one of these days. I hope to have a little Red Ranger and a little Pink Ranger running around our living room, pretending to defeat Lord Zedd and his Putties while singing the theme song.

Or we can have a Red Ranger and a Blue Ranger.

Or a Pink and a Yellow Ranger.

Either way, I'm excited about passing down some of my childhood to the next generation and hoping that they enjoy it just as much as I did.

And I don't mind watching it with them either, that's always a plus.

That's so true! Thought that was hilarious and needed to be put on here :)

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