Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hi, My Name is Taryn & I am a Shop-aholic

After such a heavy post on Monday, I couldn't bring myself to write yesterday. It's hard to justify moving on with your life when you know others are still coping with such loss, but we must. Thoughts and prayers are still with those who are dealing with the death of their loved ones.

I finally pulled out my fall/winter clothes this past weekend. Unfortunately, during the move, I have lost/misplaced a few pieces, including my black booties. I know I brought them! I just have no clue where I put them. It's so sad, because I now have no black boots. At all. Whatsoever.

I cannot make it through this time of year without my black boots, but for some reason, I have a love/hate relationship with shoe shopping.

I LOVE trying on shoes and checking them out in the little floor mirrors the stores have attached onto the benches. I can stay in a shoe store and try on different shoes for hours and be perfectly content. But I HATE buying shoes. They can be so expensive! And I always want more than one pair. Rack Room Shoes has their 'Buy 1, Get 1 50% Off' going on all of the time, which is really nice, but it still costs me $80 for boots that may last me through one-two seasons!

As much as I love to shop, I also love to save money. Now, I will definitely spend some money! But I enjoy it a lot more if I know I have saved myself enough to justify the purchase. And, many times, I have a hard time justifying my shoe purchases when I'm only saving $10 or so, especially if the bill is still well over $50. It's just so hard to watch all of the hard-earned money slip away to what I'm going to wear on my feet.

I know I need to break down and buy a pair of boots that are going to last me longer than a year or two. In the long run, it is cheaper, and it does make more sense.

I just can't do it.

Anyways, done with my shoe rant.

After pulling out all of my cold clothes, I realized I didn't have as much as I thought I did. Which, you know what that means... even more SHOPPING! Not only do I need to go boot shopping, but I need to go clothes shopping.

Do you know how happy this makes me??

It is taking everything in me to not grab the baby out of his crib from his nap, put him in the car (in his car seat, of course), drive to the mall that isn't open yet, and go shopping in stores that are still locked.

It makes me that happy.

Of course, my wallet is not quite as happy as I am, but I think I can do some bargain shopping and hit some sales to help out with that.

I really don't understand why I have such a huge obsession with shopping and clothes. It's not like I work a job where I have to dress up and look cute every day. My daily wear is normally gym shorts and a t-shirt, which is not exactly what I am shopping for all the time. But I love spending time in a store just browsing through the racks, holding the item up to my body to check and see if it would look good, then put it right back. I have absolutely no problem doing that all afternoon. I honestly don't need to buy anything! Even though that rarely happens. But I just enjoy being in the shopping atmosphere.

I just wish my husband enjoyed it as much as I do.

I asked him to go shopping with me a few Sundays ago, and he finally agreed to. We went to the mall, and literally spent less than 1 hour there before he was ready to leave. I was hoping he would make it a little longer than that, but I was just happy that he went with me at all. I think I bought some girly stuff at Aerie and my foundation at Sephora, and that was all I could make it to before I saw Chris start checking his phone and looking for the exit.

Chris likes to go shopping with a purpose. He enjoys going to get what he wants/needs, but then he's ready to go. I, on the other hand, enjoy shopping because it's shopping and I don't have to have an agenda or a list of what I need to get. This is where Chris and I are completely opposite of our typical personalities, and we're still completely opposite from each other.

I am a planner. I like to plan how my day is going to look so I can prepare for it. Mainly to know whether or not I need to fix my hair and put on makeup, or I can look like greasy death all day and it be okay. When a day does not go how I've planned or it's been changed without my consent or control, it really throws me off. Like, you don't want to talk to me unless you're apologizing or changing the plan back. I just cannot handle it. I've always been like that, though. I remember when I was young and I would secretly cry when plans didn't happen like I was told they were or were changed without my say so.

Who am I kidding, I still cry sometimes when that happens.

Chris is the total opposite. The guy doesn't have a planning bone in his body. His whole life was always fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of deal, so planning isn't something he does. Changing plans doesn't really bother him either. He's so chill and go-with-the-flow, nothing like that throws him off. Ever.

Except when it comes to shopping.

Chris has a plan. He knows where he needs to go, what he needs to get, how much money he needs to spend, and how quickly he can get out of there. Changing or altering that doesn't always work well with him. Now, he doesn't get upset or thrown off like I do, but he does get bored and/or agitated when he has to stay longer than he wants to.

I could care less about a plan. I just want to shop. A lot. Wherever, whenever, whatever. Just take me shopping.

It's funny to think about how alike but also how different we are. I guess that's why we get along so well.

Bottom line, I need to go shopping. Of course, I will give Chris the option of joining me, but I have a feeling football and a couch will be calling his name a little more than standing outside of dressing rooms while I try on everything in the store.

That's okay though! Just means I get to give him a fashion show when I get home :)  Look out, Mall! Here I come!

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